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Some things and people never change regardless of the evidence to the contrary. This is very much the case with most law business practices (yeah, I said law business practice). One of the greatest inventions of a modern and efficient society was the invention of a menu.
A menu is an excellent device to meet a defined need, agree to terms and close the sale. Menus and product lists are used to sell everything from a $1.56 hamburger to a $20 million aircraft. Why they are not used in the legal profession baffles me.
The excuse to not productize goes something like this:
“My product is 100% customized and there is no price list available to do what I do.”
That’s silly talk.
Let’s face it, that’s simply is not true. Every client that walks in the door follows a process and procedure to complete their legal task. No one in the right mind is reinventing themselves i.e., the “wheel” for any one client. A custom home may have a million parts in it that change, but the builder never changes his process. If a manufacturer can come up with a price list for an aircraft carrier, so can you.
One of the great things about having a menu is that it (educates) people about “what you do and don’t (creates boundaries) and informs prospective clients about “what’s inside” i.e., (features and benefits). The internet is a great platform to efficiently educate prospective clients on the process of solving legal problems and the unique benefits you provide.
Historically, the legal industry has kept “secrets” from clients as a method to maintain power and raise the value of what they do. In today’s world of ubiquitous communications: education and the “democracy” of sharing information is toppling dictators (around the planet) and authoritative business models.
My advice is the embrace “educational democracy” you would be foolish to fight it.
Having a good legal menu is just your contribution in advancing humanity by simply stating “here is how I help people” and “here is what it costs”.
Isn’t that the only thing that your prospective clients wanted to know in the first place?
Feedback and debate welcome…
To productize your law practice call me at 813 944-3910. The price is $500 to review your business model and give you a sensible legal menu that will help grow your business practice.